Bhojpure Kukri (1933)
This bhojpure kukri is 74 years old. It belonged to a farmer whose father had it made in 1933 using railway track brought from India. This kukri has been used for everything.
Blade Length: 34 cm
Weight: 1000 gm
Price: US$ 0
Khukuri House
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Nepalese Original Kukri


Bhojpure - East Nepal


Hi carbon steel, rosewood handle
Khukuri House

Product Description

This Bhojpure Khukri is 74 years old. It belonged to a farmer whose father had it made in 1933 using railway track brought from India. This Kukri has been used for everything, from chopping woods to clearing bushes, from building house to killing chickens, from sacrificing goats to domestic work in the kitchen.

It was in 1981 that this farmer's father got ill and never used it again. It was put to rest but the ill man never had the time to take care of it as it got rusty and got worn out.(There were no paper work to prove its oldness. We had to believe it by the look of it and facts shared by this farmer's son)

Now this Kukri is only a collective item.

Interested person can mail to enquire about the price.
Bhojpure Kukri (1933)
Khukuri House
Khukuri House
Khukuri House
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Bhojpure Kukri (1933)
Khukuri House
Bhojpure Kukri (1933)
Khukuri House
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