Nepal Police khukri
Issued to all Nepalese Police Force during enlistment, has rosewood handle and kukri insignia
Blade Length: 23 cm
Weight: 1000 gm
Price: US$ 39.99
Khukuri House
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Nepalese Original Kukri


Dharan- East Nepal


Hi carbon tempered steel blade, Steel hardness-spine=25 RC, belly=46 RC, edge=55 RC, buffalo leather scabbard, indian rosewood handle, 1 x small knife, 1 x sharpner
Khukuri House

Product Description

Khukri being the national knife of Nepal, it is issued to all Nepalese forces including the Nepal Police. This khukri is slightly different than issued to the army. It is a little heavier, more curved and with a bit more widht making it more effective during use. Rosewood is used for the handle and khukri insignia is fitted at the end cap of the handle to represent Nepal Police. The khukri is retained throughout police career and regularly inspected  by senior officers. It becomes a prize collection and reminder of their loyal service to the country after retirement.

Blade: 9 inches
Actual weight: 600 - 700 grams
Shipping weight: 1000 grams
Nepal Police khukri
Khukuri House
Khukuri House
Khukuri House
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Nepal Police khukri
Khukuri House
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