Chainpure Special
This Chainpure Kukri has a carved Indian rosewood scabbard and handle making it even more beautiful.
Blade Length: 25.5 cm
Weight: 1000 gm
Price: US$ 69.99
Khukuri House
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Nepalese Original Kukri


Chainpure, East Nepal


Hi carbon tempered steel blade, carved indian rosewood scabbard and handle, brass fittings, 1 X small knife, 1 X sharpner
Khukuri House

Product Description

The name is given so because of its origin from Chainpure village and its purpose for decoration. Although it is usable, it is used as a decorative tool that represents the true craftsmanship of Chainpure. The scabbard is skillfully crafted with Indian rosewood case and brass fittings are wrapped around to give a handsome look and from protection. To make it look more elegant, the rosewood scabbard is carved plus the handle using only domestic tools. The blade is same as the Chainpure Leather Kukri which is fully functional. A hole like knotch is always there to symbolize where it is made and to use it as a tool, not as a weapon.

Blade: 10 inches
Actual weight: 600 - 700 grams
Shipping weight: 1000 grams
Chainpure Special
Khukuri House
Khukuri House
Khukuri House
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Chainpure Special
Khukuri House
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