Chainpure kukri (1946)
This Chainpure kukri is 61 years old. It belonged to a villager in east Nepal who had used it for almost everything. It was his favourite tool.
Blade Length: 33 cm
Weight: 1000 gm
Price: US$ 0
Khukuri House
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Nepalese Original Kukri


Chainpure - East Nepal


Hi carbon steel, rosewood handle
Khukuri House

Product Description

This Chainpure kukri made in Chainpur, east Nepal is 61 years old. It belonged to a villager and a traveller who had used it for everything. It was his favourite tool. He'd never leave home without it. He even added that he had to replace the handle once but there were nothing wrong with the blade from the day it was made.

He felt sad selling his favourite tool to me.

Interested person can mail to enquire about the price.
Chainpure kukri (1946)
Khukuri House
Khukuri House
Khukuri House
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Chainpure kukri (1946)
Khukuri House
Chainpure kukri (1946)
Khukuri House
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