Khukuri House is very proud to be a part of this wonderful event. Prince Henry of Wales "Harry" on his on going official visit to Kathmandu, Nepal, was presented a Beautiful Khukuri Blade, text engraved honoring Harry by the Nepal Army. This Majestic Khukuri was made by Khukuri House. What an awesome honor for this house.
Kukri, Khukuri, khukri, kukuri, kookuri, no matter how you call it; it always refers this curved sharp metal carried by Gurkhas; the most feared weapon of all. 


Date of Post : 2024-08-15

Jungle Supreme:

Yet another new Khukuri blade from the stable of Khukuri House Thamel. This unique new knife has a slight modification to the shape and a differently crafted handle, all this to make this blade a Supreme Jungle knife.

This beautiful crafted blade has a blade that weighs 600 - 650 grams just the blade. The total weight with the scabbard on is 800 grams. The shape is matchless to any other Khukuri blade crafted before. It is not a Siru Shape nor a Chainpure but a distinctive fresh shape. The slimmest part of the blade measure for 1" and the widest is 1.8". The spine is 0.9mm. This  more tempered black blade with the slope design at the upper spin of the blade makes the blade quicker in use cutting the friction and also can be sharpened to make a double edged blade. Since some countries have banned this so KHT keeps it a single edge knife.  The handle of this blade measures 5.5" long enough to fit all sizes. The grip on this blade also is firm because of this new designed handle and the stylish metal guard adds protection and beauty. The perfect new cutting tool to tuck in your belt if jungle is going to be your next home.

Khukuri Eli:

Yet another new Khukuri blade from Khukuri House Thamel known as "Khukuri Eli" inspired from the movie "Book Of Eli". The way this blade got presented in the movie in the most powerful manner, a mean slashing weapon, got Khukuri House into making a awesome blade like this. Now this wonder blade can be a great cutting tool also not just in a movie but in the real world too. Order one today and start writing your own "Book Of Eli" with Khukuri Eli.

Blade length - 12 Inches
Handle length - 6 Inches
Widest Part measures - 2.5 Inches
Spine thickness - 0.8 cm
Total weight - 900 grams
Shipping weight - 1500 grams

Mini Mean Supreme:

The immensely popular Kukri “Angkhola Supreme” famous for its damaging weight, superb balance, improvised finger grip handle and dynamic design with safety hand guard is now made in compact size for smaller task but still retains the features its elder possess except for the weight.  It was also the demands by many of our customers for a Khukuri with Supreme’s features in a mini size with the packed features that got Khukuri House, Thamel come up with a new compact Kukri like this.

This new Blade is now MEANER because of its DOUBLE EDGE.

15"Siru Special:

"Sirupate" the name of a leaf found in the hilly region of Nepal is where this kukri gets it name from. This leaf which is slim, long and sharp has influenced farmers towords making of this kukri. The same features are given in this kukri, its slim in spine making it lighter, long for longer reach and always kept sharp.

This sirupate with 15" long blade for even longer reach is more like machete clearing things shorter kukris can not reach.

It is designed for daily household purposes. The effortlessness, easiness and effectiveness of Sirupate make this knife so special. It is very renowned among Nepalese. It is much longer and bit slimmer than the army types.